Thursday, January 28, 2010

What's Next?

So I've been having a rough time trying to figure out what to write about next and I was wondering what you personally would like to hear?
Examples - my story, what God has been doing my life, or something else that you may be wondering about that we can discuss on here. So let me know what yall think.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Remember Why...

You've heard the cliche statement "Jesus Loves You." Whether that be your mom or dad or a Sunday school teacher growing up or even just some random person you came in contact with one in day. And that person probably either did one of two things, they just said it to you and that's all they said about it and went on their way, or they took the time to explain the statement to you. And if you have not heard that statement before, then you are about to once again.
Jesus Loves You.
Probably one of the most commonly used phrases in this world, and unfortunately it has not been explained as well as it should be. So here it is.
"For God So Loved The World That He Gave His One And Only Son, That Whoever Believes In Him Will Not Perish But Have Everlasting Life." (John 3:16)
We screw up. Everybody screws up. We all make mistakes. We all do bad things. None of us, emphasizing the word NONE, None of us are better than each other. We all sin. I sin. I screw up. And if we continue to do so, we destined to spend eternity in Hell. And ladies and gentlemen, Hell is as real as this earth.
But do you want to know the silver lining in all of this. Its Jesus Christ. He came to this earth and died for all of our sins. He took the burden and weight of all of our sins and washed them away with his death on the cross. This was His gift to us. Why did He do it? Because He loves us. Because of His love, He has saved each and every one of us from an eternity apart from Him in Hell. All we have to do is accept that gift. Accept that Jesus Christ really came to this earth to take all of our sins away and believe that He is our One and Only Savior. Jesus Loves you so much that he died for you and for me. The question for you, is how are you going to respond to that gift of love? Are you going to ignore it or are you going to accept God's gift of love and start living a life that is pleasing to God?
Remember it doesn't matter what you do or who you are: Jesus. Loves. You.
Next time you here this remember why this statement is so important.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Love God Love Others

Matthew 22:37-40
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."
Sounds easy enough right? Love God Love Others. What does this verse mean to you? What does the phrase Love God and Love Others mean to you?

more to come later...