Monday, January 18, 2010

Remember Why...

You've heard the cliche statement "Jesus Loves You." Whether that be your mom or dad or a Sunday school teacher growing up or even just some random person you came in contact with one in day. And that person probably either did one of two things, they just said it to you and that's all they said about it and went on their way, or they took the time to explain the statement to you. And if you have not heard that statement before, then you are about to once again.
Jesus Loves You.
Probably one of the most commonly used phrases in this world, and unfortunately it has not been explained as well as it should be. So here it is.
"For God So Loved The World That He Gave His One And Only Son, That Whoever Believes In Him Will Not Perish But Have Everlasting Life." (John 3:16)
We screw up. Everybody screws up. We all make mistakes. We all do bad things. None of us, emphasizing the word NONE, None of us are better than each other. We all sin. I sin. I screw up. And if we continue to do so, we destined to spend eternity in Hell. And ladies and gentlemen, Hell is as real as this earth.
But do you want to know the silver lining in all of this. Its Jesus Christ. He came to this earth and died for all of our sins. He took the burden and weight of all of our sins and washed them away with his death on the cross. This was His gift to us. Why did He do it? Because He loves us. Because of His love, He has saved each and every one of us from an eternity apart from Him in Hell. All we have to do is accept that gift. Accept that Jesus Christ really came to this earth to take all of our sins away and believe that He is our One and Only Savior. Jesus Loves you so much that he died for you and for me. The question for you, is how are you going to respond to that gift of love? Are you going to ignore it or are you going to accept God's gift of love and start living a life that is pleasing to God?
Remember it doesn't matter what you do or who you are: Jesus. Loves. You.
Next time you here this remember why this statement is so important.


  1. I'm sorry, but your blog is slightly boring.

  2. I like your intention, but you don't sound sincere. You sound like a pamphlet.

  3. Mystery Google agrees.

  4. Refreshing :) I totally agree. Thanks mystery google.

  5. Thank you Mystery Google!! Awesome ministry...Thanks. :)

  6. I've actually only had someone say "Jesus loves you" once :O. Well, two counting you.
    It was some random lady behind me in a line, then she gave me a card and wrote it for me there too. It was odd...

  7. Really? What were your thoughts when you read it?

  8. way to be!! great job, really great idea getting people from mystery google! What a refreshing message

  9. I love the message. But put some life into what you write. Make me want to read it. Mystery Google rocks!

  10. I got your request on mystery google.
    Made my day that you love Jesus too.


  11. Here from mystery google. I'm an atheist myself, but I respect the gesture of sharing encouragement and reassurance with your visitors. Rock on!

  12. If Jesus walked around saying the kingdom of God is at hand and preaching the good news,what did he really talk about?

    What did he preach about that drew the crowds? I doubt he walked around bragging on himself and telling others how much he had.

    Just a thought.

  13. yup, i agree, a refreshing website to stumble upon on mystery google, thanks! :]

  14. In your (Shew?) opinion, what does one need to do to accept the fact that Jesus loves them and live a Christian life? -Mystery Google

  15. Yup. Mystery Google. I find Jesus refreshing. I find Christians tiring. To someone queer like myself, that's generally what happens. But I applaud your faith. I wish I had some.

  16. I think what we first need to realize is that we are bad people who do bad things. Meaning, we are jacked up, and in being that way, we do things that are not pleasing to God, sin. It is these sins that keep us from living a life that God wants and has called for us to live. And the first thing we need to do is realize that, that we are bad people, we sin, whether we have a relationship with Christ or not, we still sin. And we need to realize that and we need to want to change that. We need to have that want to change our lives and to stop committing those sins. When we realize that we also need to realize that no matter how hard we try, we can't do it by ourselves. We need help. And it's that humility that we need to bring before God and say that I am a bad person and I do bad things that are not pleasing to God and I need God's help in changing that in my life. And we need to ask God to take those sins away from our lives. And it is because of His love for us that He sent His son to die for our sins on the cross. Jesus Christ took our sins to the cross so that we may be able to spend eternity with God in Heaven. So we need to ask God to take those sins away from our lives and to help us and guide us to live a life thats sole purpose is to worship and glorify His name and to love Him and love others as well. And yes, we will still fall, but it is how we respond to that afterwards that can show how God is working in our lives, if we go back to the same habits and routines as before and go back to sinning, or if we go back to God and ask Him to continue working in our lives as we attempt to live that life for Him.
    Accepting that fact that Jesus loves us is knowing and truly believing that Jesus died on the cross for us so that we may spend the rest of our lives with Him in Heaven. That is God's love to us, that He sacrificed His Son Jesus to bridge that gap between life and death. The question for us is, are we going to walk across that bridge, accepting that God can save us from death, save us from the sin in our lives, or are we going to stay on the other side of that bridge and continue living a life that does not please God?

    I know I just threw out a lot at you and I apologize for that, if you have more questions please ask I would love to continue talking about it with you.

  17. Love it!! Keep spreading the word! Ingore the devils discouragement.

  18. jesus is too dead to love me

  19. Jesus is not dead. Yes He did die on the cross for all of our sins, but there is a little more to the story. You see, three days later He rose from the dead. Jesus conquered death. He arose on that third day still with the holes in His hands and feet and side proving that it was truly Him. So no I don't believe that God is Jesus is dead at all, He is very much alive and working in my life, and I hope He is in yours as well. He loves us all very much, no matter what we do or say, He loves us more than we can possibly imagine.

  20. Michael- why does God need "payment" for our sins? And why would we pay God with his own son? That would be like if we were friends and I was a bad friend to you, and you responded by saying "You must pay me back to be my friend again... your payment is MY son!!!"

  21. That is not what is meant at all by Jesus dying on the cross for our sins. It wasn't that we used Jesus as a payment for our sins. This was God's gift to us. He killed His own Son so that we could be with Him if we believe and accept Him as our Lord and Savior. This was His gift to us. Romans 6:23 syas "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." The way I see it there are two mountains. We are standing on one mountain and God is standing on the other and there is a huge gap in between the two mountains. And because of that gap we are stuck on the one side with all our sins and wages which equals death if we continue to live in that life. But God wants us over on that other side with Him, so He sent His Son Jesus to this earth to die for us so that we can have eternal life with Him. This was God's gift to us. That cross that He died on is the bridge to the mountain with God, all we need to do as believe that God is who He says He is with all our heart, soul, mind, and strenght, with everything that we have, and in doing that we need to throw down our old life and start walking a life with God. It wasn't us paying off God at all, WE were bought, we were paid off, our sins were paid off by God. 1 Corinthians 6:20 says that we were bought at a price, and that was by God and sending His son to die for us.

  22. Hooray for mysterygoogle.
    I'm not a believer, but sometimes I kind of wish I was. I think it's nice that people have faith in god and jesus, as long as they don't try to push it on others.

  23. This was interesting. Right now I'm deciding between going to a Christian university and a public university. This helped. Thanks.

  24. Jesus loves you. Jesus is indifferent to me.

  25. Too bad there is no God or Jesus.
