Saturday, May 29, 2010

Wrestling and Matt Striker

So one of the few things that I have managed to keep somewhat of a secret about to some people over the last few years is that I am a huge wrestling fan.  Sadly, during the last year, that has slowly began to disintegrate and I have not followed it as much as I used to.  But I'll lay a few truths on you before I continue.

1. The Undertaker is my favorite wrestler and probably the best ever.
2. That is all.

That's all I could come up with, so let's continue.  So some wrestlers over the years have shared that they have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, which automatically makes them somewhat of my other favorites.  The most prominent ones are Sting and Shawn Michaels.  Now the background story behind writing this is because i recently (today) bought Wrestlemania 26, on blu-ray of course.  And even though I do not keep up with it as much as I used to, I bought it for a few reasons:

1. The Undertaker is my favorite wrestler and supposedly his match with Shawn Michaels (other favorite hinted above) at this years 'Mania was the best ever, so naturally I had to see it.  Which brings me to point two..
2. This was Shawn Michaels last match.

Being that this was Michaels' last match and knowing that he has a relationship with Christ, because of the countless interviews, seriously if you go back and watch almost any interview of the most recent kind (last 3-4 yearsish) you will see that he will make some mention of Jesus Christ being his Lord and Savior.  And for a guy like that, in the type of business that he is in, to say something like that, he has become one of my all-time favorites. 

Now let's flash-forward to today, and I am watching Wrestlemania as I write this.  And there is a storyline, with one of the superstars creating this cult-like group called the Straight-Edge Society.  Pledged not to do drugs or drink, one star, C.M. Punk, has challenged another to a match, and as he introduces himself in the ring, he talks about how he is a savior, and how he could be their savior (the their referring to the crowd) and right after he says this, Matt Striker (guy in the title, who also happens to be a commentator) says this softly in his microphone but loud enough to hear while watching, "There's only one Savior."  And as soon as he said this, seriously, I was like, "BOOM, IN YOUR FACE PUNK!"  It was such an awesome moment to see that there are other guys in a business that you grew up with for so long that have faith and love Jesus, and for me, this proved to me that He does.

And even though he is just a commentator now, Matt Striker is now one of my new favorites. 

So think about the tv shows that you watch, (Lost, so sad it's over) and think about the actors/actresses involved in those shows, and ask yourself, why do you look up to them?  Because Sting, Michaels and Striker, speak it and live it, that Jesus is their Savior, that's why they are some of my heroes.  And I am sure there is some actor/tress that you look up to, so simply look at who they are and how they live, and ask yourself why do you look up to them?

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