Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Come To Jesus Re-Focus Meeting With Myself

For awhile now I've felt like I needed to change something. I've felt like something needed to be different in my life. I've felt like I've just been coasting through school and life and my relationship with Christ. So finally I had enough and I held a Come To Jesus Re-Focus Meeting With Myself late Sunday night. I talked to Jesus, sang to Jesus, read scripture, and drafted a semester goal list that will serve as my to-do list for the rest of the semester with plenty of room for expansion. The time was refreshing and exactly what I needed to get my priorities back in line. So here is the Shew's To-Do's for the rest of the semester:

1. Love God Love Others
2. Defeat Satan
3. Intentionally spend time daily studying the Word
4. Intentionally spend time daily memorizing scripture
5. Intentionally spend time daily making intentional conversations
6. Finish reading plan
7. Begin study through Grasping God's Word
8. Get in shape (only allowed in gym if intentional time has been spent with Jesus that day)
9. Be a good student and keep that scholarship

Something God has been showing me recently has been how important it is to have accountability with other people. Which is also perfect timing because a few of us have decided to begin an accountability group as we hope to not only grow together as men but as brothers in Christ who will go out each day into the world and share God's Love and His Message. I love God's Timing, it is so much better than any of ours put together and multiplied by two.

So what are some of the goals that you would like to achieve in the upcoming days/weeks/months/or years?

Body, Let's go be Doers


  1. "Grasping God's Word" is a great book choice. You won't be sorry you put time into it.

    Also, you left one thing off your list: "Attend OSU's BCS Game."

  2. Actually it should go: "Attend OSU's Big 12 Championship Game, then Attend OSU's BCS Game"
