Sunday, January 23, 2011

Pretty-fying Your Blog

Welcome back to Word's From A Recovering Sinner. Sadly, it has been a long time since I have put a lot of effort into this blog, which means there are probably very few people who still come here to read and discuss. But hopefully that is about to change. I've started writing new topics and discussions for our blog that will debut in a couple of days. These are some thoughts that have been on my mind for awhile and hopefully will provide a few laughs, tears, sweat, maybe some bloodshed as well, who knows. This first series I think most of us can relate to in some way or form as the recurring theme involved with be authenticity.

As I started thinking seriously about this blog again I came to the conclusion that it needed something else, something new, something fresh. And what's the best way to do that, in the form of a new site. It would be perfect, it would have a new layout, pictures, maybe some 3D or possibly 4D features, it was going to be legit. Simply put, I wanted my blog to be the coolest looking blog anyone has ever seen. Then I started thinking seriously/rationally about all of this again, and this question kept popping up in my head: Why am I spending so much time frivolously looking for new color schemes and layouts instead of intentionally spending meaningful time with God or within the community that we've built here on our floor and with our friends?

This comes with incredible timing as the sermon at church this morning discussed idolatry, specifically with the Egyptians and Israelites in Exodus. What we often forget is that anything we place in front of God can become an idol or is an idol. And it doesn't have to be a bronze statue to bow to, it can be in the form of television, sleep, football or footBale, (as in the false god from the bible, I don't know how you spell it but I thought that was clever)or even something as simple and stupid as a new layout/website for a blog.

I am so thankful for the friends I've made while being up here. Together, we have built a community that is so passionate for loving God and loving each other and if it wasn't for that community, especially within the last two weeks, I might still be looking at new layouts for this site.

So what's keeping you from spending time with God right now? Whatever it is, I encourage you to put it on hold for a little while, and spend meaningful, intentional time with God and within your own community or building up a community, because that time is far more important than other thing on this earth that will eventually waste away.