Thursday, March 17, 2011

Christians and Jesus

When you hear the word, Christians, what thoughts do you think?

When you hear the name, Jesus, what thoughts do you think?

Are the thoughts similar? Do they correlate with one another? What are your thoughts?

Please do not hold back whatsoever


  1. These were really great questions. For a long time I was leaving the "Christ" out of "Christianity" and there was no love or joy. I was focusing on all the commands and rules and getting frustrated because I kept failing. When I started focusing instead on Christ and his unfathomable LOVE for me and for everyone, everything else just fell into place. I no longer call myself a Christian, but a Christ-follower.
    I'm really enjoying reading your blog! Keep posting and encouraging!

  2. A few weeks ago someone I started chatting with asked me if I believed in God and I said yes, I'm a Christian. Then they asked, "So, you believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins?" And that had me thinking...well, yeah, what else does Christian mean?!

    And then I realized, there are a lot of people that call themselves Christians or affiliate themselves as a believer but nowadays that can mean so many different things. Not as a FOLLOWER. (as Emily said). And for most of my early Christian walk, I was not a follower, just someone who believed. But as my relationship has grown stronger with Him and I've truly experienced His realness and love I prefer to call myself a follower, and when referring to others' relationships with Him I use the term follower or Christ-follower. It totally transforms the connotation sometimes. It hurts a little that Christian is supposed to mean Christ-like but it's been skewed. When I hear Jesus, I think amazing love. :)
