Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Who do I say God is?

For me, God is many things.
He is my all. I've grown up in a Christian home with a mindset that God there with us every step of the way in everything that we do, that He will never leave us nor forsake us, and that He knows everything that we will do. Because of that, God first and foremost is my everything. He is my life. Because He is my all, my worldview, the way I view everything going on around me, is through His Word, The Bible. It is The Bible that has influenced my thoughts and the way I see people and the world itself.
He is my best friend. For years I have struggled with feeling like I did not belong in the place that I was. But time and time again God has reminded me of why he has put me in the place that I am. Even in those times though, God has been there for me when I have those doubts. He is the ultimate friend. I know that he will never leave me, I can talk to Him at any time, day or night, and know that He is always listening, and above all, He love's me.
He forgives. I screw up. I fall. I make mistakes. I sin. But every time I sin, God forgives me. And even though I screw up, He loves me, and doesn't love me any less.
He loves. The biggest one. He loves me. So much that He sent His Son to die on the Cross for my sins so that I could live with Him for eternity. Love is a powerful thing. But no love is greater than His for me and for us. And there is nothing that I could do to make Him love me any less, which is incredible, cause I've done some pretty bad stuff growing up. But He loves me. And He loves you too. Jesus died so that we could spend eternity with Him in Heaven. This is the greatest love of all.
So who do you say God is?
What has God done in your life that reminds you of His love?

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