Thursday, February 25, 2010


This morning I pulled out of my neighborhood, and drove up to school about an hour earlier than usual. You see, I have a baseball tournament this weekend, and with that, I missed school today and will miss most of school tomorrow. So, during this time away from the burdens of school, I miss two tests plus a memory work thing that I have to recite. So this morning, I leave the house an hour earlier to go on in to take one test and then take the other test and do the mem work tomorrow. Well as I pull out of my neighborhood I see these clouds and I am immediately calmed. My nervousness is gone. My stress about having to do all of this in the allotted time left goes away. The last time I saw these clouds we were in a storm. Except, we weren't really in the storm. The storm was pretty severe all around us, but not where we were. These clouds were a reminder to me that God is in control. That God was there with me. And that I shouldn't worry or be afraid of what will happen. God soothed me during this time, and I immediately went to prayer, while I was driving to school. God took away my fears that not everything will get done, and with that, God blessed me with being able to take my two tests leaving the mem work to do tomorrow. God truly is awesome. And it doesn't have to always be big things. And it shouldn't be either. Meaning it shouldn't take a big miracle to make us say "God, You are incredible. Thank you so much for doing this. I love you so much!" Because miracles happen all around us, everyday. That is how awesome God is. So for me, this small sign was so huge today in my life and God got my attention right away with it, and because of it, I was able to make God an active part of my day, which I should be doing a lot more of.
So once again, Who do you say God is? What miracles, big or small, has He done in your life recently? How are you going to glorify God today?

1 comment:

  1. Wow... Where to begin?
    A couple things he's been to me, and a couple things he's shown me:

    He created the stars... THE MILLIONS OF STARS, and yet knows every detail about me and loves me. The works he created display his beauty, his power, his glory, and even his sense of humor. ;)

    He is my Beloved. Being the romantic I am, I struggle with being lonely. But something God never ceases to remind me of is the he is my first and foremost love. He can love me more than any man could. By him I'm able to say I can love others. He lavishes me with his oftentimes illogical love, and I can't help but to be wooed back to him.

    He is my Healer. I struggle with severe depression, and just recently had an "episode". But through it all, God showed me that He's working in the midst of this. My mind isn't exactly where it ought to be, but I know that's in His hands, and he heals my mind and my heart, with everything I've been scarred from.

    This past week I attended a retreat put together by us seniors for the underclassmen at my school. God's miracle is this: that people came to know him, even at a CHRISTIAN school. That a school is reconciled to each other and to him because of him.

    He is strong enough to handle any situation, gentle enough to heal the most fragile heart. He is right where you are now, yet he is eternal. He is fearsome in the best way possible, and the most beautiful thing anyone could behold.

    As for glorifying Him, I'm a bit stuck on that one. By loving others, mainly, I suppose. To focus on the needs of others, and how I can show them Christ's love. By following him no matter what (even though my own will is weak).
