Monday, March 15, 2010

Church and "church"

Do you have frustrations with the "church?"
"Church." You know, that building that most of the time will have a cross on it that people go to once or twice a week to sit for an hour, maybe "sing" a few songs, listen to some guy talk and sometimes rant at you, then leave and forget immediately what he said that morning, and continue living your life as if you had never him speak. Yea that place.
Now don't get me wrong, great things can happen in/out/because of "church," and God can truly do some incredible things within the church, but the twenty-first century "church" has drastically changed from the New Testament Churches the Bible speaks about, and as you may have picked up on, I have a few frustrations with this "church." So before I share with you my frustrations I want to hear what your frustrations are with what the "church" is or has become.
May the revolt against the "church" begin.


  1. I get frustrated when people in the Church say that you must be a Christian to go to heaven.

  2. I get fustrated because some churches let little things divide them and that sets a bad example for the world. I also am concerned about how biased some Christians are (even though they would never admit it) and sometimes how hypocritical they are.

  3. I have no problem with God. It is the churches that I have a problem with. While there are some that are good, too many of them worship the “Almighty Dollar”.

    When a preacher stands behind the pulpit of a church that shows all the opulence of the Great Temple of Jerusalem wearing a suit that cost more than I make in a year, rings on every finger, a Rolex watch, drives a car that one would equate with royalty, and WANTS ME TO GIVE HIM MONEY, any idiot can see what god he loves. But still, the people follow them like sheep to be sheared.
