Monday, September 13, 2010

Week 4 Update

Go Pokes! Raise your hand if you like college! Now seeing as how I have no idea who just put their hands up I am going to assume that everyone who just read that sentence raised their hands in the air and waved them like they just didn't care. All I have to say to that is Me Too!! I love college, its pretty fun, you should try it sometime. Who loves lists?? You should all put your hands up for that, literally, because it's time for another list entitled, College!!, WOOOOO!!!

Time slips away very quickly - Each day gets shorter and shorter, especially when you throw in class, homework, rest time, fun time, eating, working out (haha that doesn't happen much anymore), and sleeping every once in awhile. When you put all of those together, you get no time. Plus football games, church, quiet times, bathroom time, bcm, and other things that I'm sure I am forgetting equals less than zero time left in my life.
Girls - As I've mentioned before, there are so many really cute girls here at school. They're everywhere. And the ones I've met so far are pretty stinkin awesome. 
Football - It scares me sometimes.  Week 1, we dominated.  Week 2, we played like crap and almost got beat.  The good thing is that our guys know it (I know football players, pretty awesome, not gonna lie) and are going to play better. 
Football Games - Are Awesome with a capital A!!  We arrive early to the games, two hours early to be almost exact, the cool thing is how the town reacts on game day.  People come from all over to tailgate and party, then about 15 minutes before game time the stadium gets pumping.  It also helps that 60,000 strong are in attendance as the video boards light up with the standard intro video of the 'boys, then switches to the guys coming from the locker room down the tunnel as Ready For War plays through the stadium.  Then the music stops...and the clip from Tombstone comes on where the guy tells the other guy to go back and tell them that Hell's coming for them, then Ready For War comes back on and the 'boys come firing out of the gate ready for war.  Then all the traditions that I know you want to hear about that I will save for another time, Go Pokes!
Momentumum - was awesome, read more in post above that will be up sometime soon.
Floor - Floor Bible Study started this week, which had a great turnout, very excited about that.  We are arguably the most social floor in our dorm, doors are always open and usually there are at least 10 people in one room at a time, but God is using those moments to have some intentional conversations and simply great times to show love to other guys on our floor.  Most of our floor goes to church on sundays and goes to the bcm on mondays and thursdays, which is so awesome because they are at least hearing the Gospel there too and seeing other people show them love.

Like I've said before, God is working in the lives of K3, which is answering so many prayers, so in short, Jesus Rocks with a capital R!!

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