Friday, August 27, 2010

God Is Faithful

From the moment I stepped on campus a little over a week ago, God has been faithful. Here's a quick list of the ways God has been faithful during my short time here at school:
I've met tons of really nice people
My roomate hasn't been crazy yet, besides the fact he's a sooner fan
God has put me on this floor for a reason
I've met some great guys, especially on my floor, who love Jesus
I've been to a church that knows what it means to be a community
I've gotten involved in the BCM, where I honestly feel God is telling me to get plugged into
I've had a quiet time with God every day this week for the first time since mission trip
Almost every guy on our floor came last night to the BCM

From the moment I've stepped on campus it is so prevalent that this is EXACTLY where God wants me

And I know without a doubt that God has huge plans for us this year.

So how has God been faithful recently in your life?

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