Thursday, April 14, 2011


I've stared at this screen for a good ten minutes, and cannot think of what or how I want to say.

I'm tired.

I'm ready to be home.

God is still God and God is still good, yet I haven't thought that recently, or lived that out recently.

I've just floated along the last few weeks. I'm just kind of here, getting by, doing what I should do to be a good student. But it's not enough. I know it isn't enough.

When was the last time I read my Bible outside of church of RUF? I don't know.

The last time I tried to memorize my verses? I don't know.

Last time I shared the Gospel? Longer than those two combined.

Have I dwelt on God throughout my entire day? Nope, I've spent my time thinking about two girls instead, neither of which will happen, but I digress.

My effort lately towards God = major suckage.
and I'm tired of it.

Anyone else want to start over?
That's the beauty of God's Grace and Mercy, it's always there, because we always mess up. But at the same time, we have to react to it.

It's time to change. I've said that a lot, "I need to change" "It's time to change." What's going to be different? I don't know.

But it starts on the inside. It starts with dwelling more about God, and less about girls/hockey/baseball/working out/ultimate frisbee/food/sleep/nhl 11 scoreboard vs luke/______.

So how are things going to change?

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