Thursday, July 29, 2010


So I just got home from a Texas Rangers baseball game, I am a big fan of the team and the game, and to be honest I was embarassed to be at that game.  The lack of effort shown by a team that gets paid millions of dollars total to play the game was less than my old high school team, which at times put out little effort.  The left fielder threw the ball in to the short stop and it bounced a couple times, not a great throw, then he let it go through, as the fielder rounded second and could've easily taken third base.  There were more instances of this as the game progressed and it reached a point where I legitimately believed they had given up. 
But something happened in the last inning that really put me over the edge, the Rangers got a base hit.  It was an infield hit, and the infielder made a bad throw and went into the dugout, so our runner was able to take second base because the ruling is if the ball goes out of play (which includes the dugout) the batter gets the next base.  Now you may be thinking, wow what a huge break, they must be pumped up now and excited, well our runner sure didn't show it as he WALKED to second base, not jog, not run, but WALKED.  To me, this showed that he had given up as well and didn't care about the outcome of the game.  The rest of the game proved my point as the batters watched good pitches to hit and swung at bad pitches or dug themselves into holes that they could'nt get out of.  Bottom line, the Rangers effort tonight sucked and was a poor excuse for a major league team.
Now I know that no team can win every game and I know that no team can have the same great performance as other games, but it was something about the EFFORT that stuck out to me tonight.  And the word EFFORT keep hitting me, and I finally realized why.  Ever since I returned from mission trip, I have given God less and less of my effort.  I left that mission trip wanting to do several things:
Spend more time studying the Bible using the methods we used in our devotional times.
Plan a label for the water bottles and times and dates to go out and hand out water bottles and talk to people about Jesus.
Remember - Ekklesia, Matthew 4, Serve (which falls moreso into the above statement)(ask me about those later).
Remember what God did and not forget it.

Brothers and Sisters, I need your help.  Team Anywhere, you may be able to provide more help because we share this experience, but I am opening this to everyone.  I need your help to hold me accountable to doing these things and remembering what God did during that week.

 Help me as I try to put more effort into my walk with Christ

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