Wednesday, July 7, 2010

God - Budziszewski w/ an ending from Shew

God is like nothing we could have imagined.

God is utterly other than us - other in a way we express with the world holiness.  Yes, He dwells within each Christian, but He's not you.  He isn't the same as you, He isn't a part of you, and He isn't a "higher" you.  Yes, you're made in His image, but you're not Him.  You're not the same as Him, you're not a part of Him, and you aren't a "splinter" of Him - nor will you ever be.  He doesn't depend on anything else because He is what everything else must be explained by.  Although we can know what He has taught us about Himself, we can never comprhend Him completely because He is greater than our minds.  Anything He wills, He can do.  He not only holds supreme power but He also uses it.  Nothing can defeat Him and nothing can happen contrary to His will.  He is also supremely good - light with no darkness.  Although evil is real, He detests it and brings it to judgment.  He knows everything, He pays attention to everything, and nothing escapes His notice.  He's not just a What in three Whos - one God in three persons:  Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  There is no one like Him.  He is set apart.  He is what He is, and there was never a time when He was not.

God is utterly intimate with us - intimate in a way we express with the word love.  He's our father.  He's our master.  He's our brother.  He's our shepherd.  He's our husband.  He's our friend.  If you think these are "just figures of speech," that's fine.  But remember tha figures of speech are always mere shadows of the real thing. 

Maybe you don't want God to be that holy.  Maybe you don't want to be loved that much.  Maybe you don't want to be loved that much by something that holy, for our God is a consuming fire.  None of that makes a speck of difference to Him.  Though we can reject His loving pursuit, God is relentless, inexorable, and utterly unfettered in His pursuit of us.  He empties Himself, pours Himself out for us, to the point of death, whether we want Him to or not.  He crushes out sin.  He is utterly opposed to whatever in us opposes Him.  He wants us to be holy, to be set apart for Him.  And He expects us to like it!

25 of us are about to embark on a journey to Haiti, and for the most part, we don't know what to expect once we get down there.  A mixture of excitement, nervousness, wicked out of our pants scared are just some of the feelings we are going through right now.  Satan must be wicked out of his pants scared too because obstacle after obstacle has been placed in our path especially over the last 24+ hours in attempts to derail us from the ultimate goal, Jesus Christ.  In the end we know this, Satan's attempts will be futile as Jesus' light continues to shine through the darkness.  Church (church means every follower of Jesus Christ,) we need you to pray for continued financial support to pour in, for our safety during this time (10-17), but above all, that God's will be done. 

God is God and God is good.

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