Thursday, May 19, 2011


This is what God has been teaching me about lately.

What do I have to be anxious about?

Being worried about my first week back at work and seriously being freaked out today as I sat in my truck before work today. Even though I've done this job before I got really freaked out.
What about girls and the worries they bring to the table?
Friends whose relationships with have deteriorated over the last few months?

And just when I finish praying this morning and God brings forth a peace for the day, I get an email. And now for X amount of time I'm left in the unknown and it scares the crap out of me.

Is this God teaching me to continue to give it all to Him and not to worry because it won't add a second to my life to worry? Is satan pushing harder cause he's found my button?

Probably both. Continuing to trust God even through the scary times that lead into a summer of unknown.
I'm scared. But I'm praying and trusting
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