Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Don't Forget

I forgot. I forgot what happened on that trip. I forgot that God kept us in Dallas instead of sending us to Haiti. I forgot what God did on that trip. How He worked through me. How He worked through others. How He brought our team together. The conversations I had. I forgot that on this trip I gave my testimony for the first time. How God brought me out of that wickedness and filth, and made me clean again. I forgot that I made a pledge that I wouldn't forget. Were they empty words? Not at the time, but they seem to be now. I forgot about my plans for after the trip. The labels on the water bottles. Oh, is that why I have a hundred water bottles in my truck, I forgot.

I've been forgetful lately too. Forgetting to read my Bible. Forgetting to spend time with God. Forgetting to pray for my friends. Forgetting to memorize scripture. Forgetting to challenge myself and others. Forgetting who really is Michael Minshew. The servant. The friend. The listener. Where is he? Sure, I still am these things sometimes, but I feel like I've sucked at it recently. Where did he go? I've been questioning a lot recently and it scares me. There isn't enough time in the day to figure this crap out.

I forgot. I hope you've done a better job at remembering than I have.
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