Sunday, August 15, 2010

Matthew 4

Addiction is a tricky thing.

So is temptation.

So is the devil.

Basically, the devil sucks.

Temptation is all around us thanks to him. In fact, when you try to give something up it seems like more and more things tempt you than you realized before. At least that's the way its been for me. Especially recently after coming back from mission trip and sharing my testimony there. But temptation will find us in forms we never expected, you see the devil is sneaky like that. So what should we do when we feel tempted?
Something that has helped me recently when dealing with temptation is remembering and reading back over Matthew 4. This chapter is devoted to Jesus being tempted by the devil. The devil took him up and down a mountain and have him bread after forty days of fasting, all Jesus had to do was bow down and worship him. But Jesus held firm and if a tired and hungry Jesus can resist the devil who is offering the world to him (which is already God's anyway) then why cant I resist something so minuscule that causes me to sin?

This is where the application comes in. My application for this is a two-parter. 1: read Matthew 4. Re-reading Matthew 4 reminds me of what Jesus went through to resist the devil and gives me hope that through Him I can as well. The problem is that I can't always remember to to back and read that chapter, which brings me to numero dos. 2: write it down. Write it down in places I'll see it, i.e. desk, chair, tv, wrist, arms. The last two tend to be the most effective, cause its always with me. Does that give me the ok to get a tattoo?

Anyways those are the two ways that help me fight the devil, along with prayer, hope this helps you.

(Written from the floor of my best friend's house late at night after my last day of working and an awesome dance party with even awesomer friends)

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